
being and not being中文什么意思

发音:   用"being and not being"造句
  • 有与无
  • being:     for the time being 暂时; ...
  • not:    adv. 不。 1.〔谓语、句子的否定语〕 (a)用作助 ...
  • being:     for the time being 暂时;一时;临时。 n. 1. 实在,存在。 2. 生存,生命,人生,一生,人间。 3. 物;生物,人;实在物。 4. 本质,特质,本性。 5.〔B-〕 上帝,神;本体。 the aim of our being 人生的目的。 actual being 实在。 to the very depth of one's being 灵魂深处。 a human being人,人间。 animate [inanimate] being生[无生]物。 the Supreme B- 上帝。 being as [that] 〔口语〕既然;因为。 being in itself 【哲学】物自体。 call [bring] into being 使产出,使形成。 come into being 发生,诞生,成立 (The European Common Market came into being in 1958. 欧洲共同体成立于1958年)。 in being 现有的,现存的,存在的 (the fleet in being 现有的舰队。 the record in being 现存的记录)。 adj. -less 不存在的。
  • being there:    富贵逼人来; 富贵迫人来; 妙人奇迹; 身在该处; 在那里
  • in being:    现有的
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  1. It is inconceivable that a thing can both be and not be
  2. Taoists ' ideas about being and not being and western philosophers ' theories on being and not being
  3. It is the nameless , contentless , effortless and spontaneous state , beyond being and not being
  4. For this reason all these things are but names which mortals have given , believing them to be true - coming into being and passing away , being and not being , change of place and alteration of bright color


        being:     for the time being 暂时; ...
        not:    adv. 不。 1.〔谓语、句子的否定语〕 (a)用作助 ...
        being:     for the time being 暂时;一时;临时。 n. 1. 实在,存在。 2. 生存,生命,人生,一生,人间。 3. 物;生物,人;实在物。 4. 本质,特质,本性。 5.〔B-〕 上帝,神;本体。 the aim of our being 人生的目的。 actual being 实在。 to the very depth of one's being 灵魂深处。 a human being人,人间。 animate [inanimate] being生[无生]物。 the Supreme B- 上帝。 being as [that] 〔口语〕既然;因为。 being in itself 【哲学】物自体。 call [bring] into being 使产出,使形成。 come into being 发生,诞生,成立 (The European Common Market came into being in 1958. 欧洲共同体成立于1958年)。 in being 现有的,现存的,存在的 (the fleet in being 现有的舰队。 the record in being 现存的记录)。 adj. -less 不存在的。
        being there:    富贵逼人来; 富贵迫人来; 妙人奇迹; 身在该处; 在那里
        in being:    现有的
        no-being:    不存在;非实在(的东西)。
        there being:    结构在句中的作用
        being as being:    专门研究“作为存在的存在”
        being non being and anxiety:    空无与忧虑
        abstract being:    抽象的存在
        actual being:    实在
        and non-being:    无即是有
        are being sold:    (药物)在本港市面有售
        at the stage of being:    暂时, 在目前
        be being beenen:    是非限定形式
        be capable of being:    过去分词是能够被
        being (itself:    实有者本身
        being a christian:    基督徒身分
        being a leader:    作为领导者
        being a monitor:    当好班长
        being a stockholder:    做股东
        being alone:    独自一人
        being and becoming:    存在和生成
        being and meaning:    存在与意义
        being and nothingness:    存在与虚无


  1. being alone 什么意思
  2. being alone stand by the sea 什么意思
  3. being and becoming 什么意思
  4. being and meaning 什么意思
  5. being and nothingness 什么意思
  6. being and time 什么意思
  7. being as being 什么意思
  8. being at beijing 什么意思
  9. being attentive to guest requests 什么意思


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